Tuesday 22 November 2016

Frequently asked question on gardening

 Hello everyone

Today we will talk about the problem faced by people while doing gardening.

My Tulsa dies in every winter how do I protect and take care?

Tulsa cannot tolerate very cold weather.If its very cold keep your Tulsa inside where little sunlight is coming. Do not over water it.It will rot the roots .When top soil is dry then only water it and not very much. Do not keep her in direct hot sun in the summer for very long because she will burn. Some Tulsa plants only live a few years and some will live up to 5 years. Tulsa is very sensitive to smoke! Do not leave burning incense around her. When you worship her and are done with the incense move it away from her. The smoke suffocates her.Tulsa thrives in full sun but grows in partial shade too, at least four hours of sunlight a day is required.

  • When is best time to plant container or pot grown plants?

It is a common misconception that container/pot grown plants can only be planted in the spring or summer. This is incorrect. Container plants can be planted all year round.

  • Every year we have more and more ants in our garden has more and more nests. I use ant powder but it doesn't seem to work.

Ants are generally quite beneficial in the garden as they feed on sap sucking aphids and the honeydew that they produce.But It kills the plants also if it is in excess.There are numerous products on the market from powders to gels that can be used to kill a nest. I believe that the gels are often found to be slightly more effective so it might be worth trying one of them during a period of drier weather. You can also buy nematodes that are watered onto the area and these are found to be very effective too. You could try the old fashion boiling water on ants nest.

  • White aphids in my garden are ruining my Garden

One of the most natural, accessible items , and an effective means of aphid removal, is water. Although water itself does not kill aphids,A strong stream of water, such as that from a garden hose, will decrease the population into a hibiscus plant. it can easily knock them from their feeding sites on hibiscus plant parts.Sticky aphid traps, sold at garden supply stores, trap aphids, particularly those that are flying .  These traps are typically yellow and come with a nontoxic sticky substance that will decrease the population of aphids on plants. The color of the card is significant, as certain colors attract particular pests. One trap is more than adequate for a single hibiscus. Sticky cards may be effective enough for up to 10,000 square feet, depending on the brand.

Soaps and Oils
insecticidal soap, narrow-range oil or neem oil to control aphids. Because these pesticides kill aphids on contact and produce no residual control.Remember to spray the undersides of leaves because aphids often hide there.

  • How do I know if my garden needs fertilizer during the growing season?

If plants are pale green, stunted or are losing lower leaves this could be an indication of nitrogen deficiency.

  • I have trouble growing flowers in my shade garden. Are there any colorful shade-tolerant plants that I can use?

Aside from using perennials with some bloom, and contrasting color and texture, a few annuals will thrive in the shade given proper moisture and nutrients. The most shade-tolerant annuals that add color all season are coleus (grown for colorful foliage), wax begonias, and impatiens(Impatiens flowers are bright and cheerful annuals that can light up any dark and shady part of your yard. Growing impatiens is quite easy), which are available in a host of colors. Depending on the depth of shade, still other annuals, such as ageratum, sapphire flower, caladiums, and sweet alyssum, may be successful.


Wax Begonia

In the next session we will talk more about it.I hope I have talked about common problems.Keep writing about problems so that I can help you out.

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