Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Palm and Foliages

Hello Everyone

Palms are one of the most beautiful indoor plants,which beautify your room,staircases,office area or any shaded portion. If palms are grown indoors and potted correctly they will grow to approximately 3f t- 8ft in height, so it is better to decide place of palm carefully considering their height while choosing the place to pot palm. Mostly Palm are quite expensive compared to other house plants. Most palms do not like to be disturbed too often, so its best to re- pot only when absolutely necessary.Palm's prefer partial shade with some sunlight, especially the kentia and parlor, as they are more than happy in low-light conditions. Brown tips can be caused by under-watering and cold air , and spots can be caused by over-watering or  watering with hard water. Yellowing leaves is most likely due to under-watering.Rot root main  cause is over-watering and the container, soil or both may not be draining well. Red spider mite, mealy bug and scale can be a problem.Palms can be propagated from seed,root division,suckers(, a term for a basal shoot that grows from the base of a tree or shrub),From seed the growth is very slow,and very few palms produce suckers.

View more palms


Foliage plant is the term for a plant that is grown mostly for it's foliage (leaves). Most foliage plants are grown indoors, but the majority of them can be grown outside in semi-shade most of the year round.

Foliages can be propagated through cuttings.There are two types of stem cuttings: tip cuttings, which include the apex or plant tip and a small portion of the stem; and section cuttings, which include a 2- to 3-inch section of stem (not including the apex or plant tip
and leaf joint.

 List of foliages which can be grown easily.

  • Coleus – tip cuttings
  • Croton – tip cuttings
  • Dieffenbachia– tip cuttings
  • Philodendron – tip and stem cuttings
  • Pothos– tip and stem cutting

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